
Big Scares and Big Flavor! For You and Your Friends with Horror Movie Night Cookbook

It’s Scary-Delicious! Invite Your Friends over for Horror Movie Night Cookbook written by Richard S. Sargent and Nevyana Dimitrova (Photographer).

Sixty deliciously deadly recipes inspired by iconic slashers, zombie films, psychological thrillers, sci fi spooks, and more. 

The Horror Movie Night Cookbook

The Horror Movie Night Cookbook on sale now

Horror Movie Night Cookbook can be found at any local bookstore or online Barnes Noble, Amazon. Follow the Horror Movie Night Cookbook Instagram.

Horror Movie Night Cookbook written by Richard S. Sargent

Horror Movie Night Cookbook written by Richard S. Sargent

Author Richard S. Sargent joined me for a conversation about food, cooking, horror movies and Halloween.  The below conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  Find the full, un-edited conversation at our YouTube channel.


What inspired you as far as horror movies go? What’s your all time favorite horror?


Richard Sargent: Wow, that’s a tough one. Yeah, so I would say my all time favorite horror movie is Scream. It’s what got me into diving deeper into horror. My mother actually got me into horror when I was a kid, we would watch a bunch of the old ones after school and that sort of thing, but as I started to discover the newer ones on my own, Scream was the first one that really showed me that there’s more to horror than just blood and boobs.


You’re a filmmaker, an artist, an author, many things. Tell us a little bit about your journey


Richard Sargent: I went to school for theater and film and acting.  As most people do New York or LA, I chose New York. I did that for a while. I did a couple of my own indie horror films as well. And then as I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do. 

As a side project, because you have to have a side project when you’re trying to break into that field. I thought I love cooking. I love experimenting. I love being creative. Let’s take some culinary classes. So I was gifted some culinary classes and it was really great. And I thought, okay, great. Now I’m going to go work in a kitchen. But the more I thought about that, I realized I would hate it if I had to do it as a day job.  I would hate cooking. I put that on the back burner and focus more on the theater and film and all that. 

And just kept plugging away at that. When I moved to the West Coast, I became artistic director of a couple of theater companies and had some plays published, that sort of thing.

So my writing and my directing was starting to take off a little bit. I had a little more free time to go back to the cooking thing that I was looking forward to doing. And the way this came together is that I was doing a play with some friends and we were chatting we actually were doing the play, The Woman in Black, and we were chatting about horror and horror films and they felt the way I felt about them initially, that they’re all just and I just couldn’t have that.

I’d seen so many great ones that have changed my life and had so many positive messages. Because horror movies are basically about the outcasts winning. I felt like I’ve been an outcast my whole life, so I could really connect to them. So I started showing them the ones that I thought were important.

I started with my favorites and then dug deeper into the ones that I felt. Told really great stories and had really great messages through these horror movie nights where I would pair an appetizer, a dinner and a dessert, each with its own movie and we would do three movies a night and we would do this every couple of weeks.


Can you talk a little bit about this book’s undertaking and 1-2 lessons that you learned from that process?


Richard Sargent: Absolutely. Yeah, it really was an undertaking. When I started these nights, these horror movie nights myself I just thought they were going to be fun. I just thought we were all going to have a good time.

Then about halfway through, maybe about five or six nights in, my friends were all like, what are you going to do with this? I’m like, what do you mean? We’re just having a good time. And they’re like, no, other people are going to want to do this. I’m thinking about what can I do with this?

Maybe I can start an event service and cater these nights myself? But ultimately I chose to do a book because it’s more accessible and it’s more fun. You get to do it in your own home and invite your friends over and it makes for a much more fun evening. Once I decided that it was going to be a book, it took about two years to compile it all into book format. Retake some pictures, that sort of thing, get it all ready for my copy. So I self published it two years ago and then it got picked up. 

So the version that you have and that we’re talking about today is the version that Ulysses Press put out about another year or so later.

So it was about a five year process from the first horror movie night, all the way to the book that, that we’re talking about today. 

If I have any tips for people, find what makes your idea stick out.  What about your idea do people want to know, be authentic about it and just keep plugging away at it.

You’re going to get frustrated. Move on to another project, take a walk, do something else. And come back when the inspiration strikes, but never force anything. That’s my big thing. You can’t force inspiration or you’re not going to end up with the best product that you could possibly have.

From the five years ago first draft to Ulysses Press version now, how close is the finished product compared to your original vision?

Richard Sargent: It’s very close actually. A lot of things that were changed were just improvements on the pictures. Things are worded differently, more clear, more consistency throughout the book.

Ulysses was really great with the editing process. They kept a lot of what I wanted to do with the book and the whole spirit of the book. 


There’s millions of horror movies out there. How did you go from a million down to 60?


Richard Sargent: It really had to just speak to me. It had to be bigger and better than the average horror film. Or at least I had to view it that way.

I studied horror and I studied film throughout my life. I can grasp the difference between your average horror film and something that’s trying to influence the viewer in some way. And those are the ones that I tried to put into the book. I know that 60 is not a lot and that’s why there will be more books hopefully.

I thought it would be a fun start to break newbies in. So rather than just hitting every classic that you can think of: Exorcist, Jaws, I picked a lot of classics and mixed them in with some newer things that had more up to date themes and up to date comments on society, like The Conjuring and The Descent, movies like that.

Not everyone seeing this is a huge horror movie fan.  Can you give us any tips or ideas about what makes a really great horror movie?


Richard Sargent: I think it all starts with the characters which then reflects on the script.  So if it’s a really well written script,  it has characters that A) you care about and B) are telling a story within a story, basically, by living through their story, they’re telling us how we should be living our lives. Of course, we know that because of Scream and movies like that, we know the rules of horror.

Don’t don’t say “I’ll be right back” and all that kind of stuff. 

But beyond that, there are things that make a horror film great. It’s a lot of really great being on the side of the outcasts. So if you think of movies like Frankenstein a lot of people will say that the monster is the monster, but the monster is not the monster.  The society not accepting the monster Is the real monster. 

That’s a film that tries to show us how to accept people who are not like us. Some people may say that science is the monster. I am not that kind of person. But, there’s the commentary in that film too, that maybe we shouldn’t do everything that we are able to do with science.

For queer culture and women’s rights we have films like Hereditary that  dive into dealing with grief. 

As long as your characters are doing something important, they’re not just playing with a Ouija board, or running into a shed full of chainsaws.  As long as they’re making smart decisions,, I think it elevates it to the next level, movies like The Exorcist, obviously, more recently, I thought Barbarian just from last year was outstanding, just in that way of telling the story, that was creative to me. 

Ones that stick with you forever. Jaws, a lot of people didn’t want to go in the water after that.


We have a very dinner party kind of an audience. Do you have a favorite kitchen gadget?

Richard Sargent: Yeah, so I had to cook these meals. There were actually some other recipes that I worked on too, for these films that I didn’t put in the book.  Everything is trial and error in the kitchen. So I cooked several of these many times until I found the right measurements of everything.

It was a long process in the kitchen, but a fun one, of course. 

Maybe it makes me basic, but my favorite kitchen gadget is the slow cooker because you can do so much with it and you can step away from it and work on other things while your main meal is sitting there for hours.


Are there 1-2  recipes in the cookbook that you want to point out?


Richard Sargent: As I like to start any meal, let’s start with dessert. I would say I’m super proud of the pavlova from Cabin Fever, if you’re familiar with the movie. The dish is called The Close Shave, and it is a pavlova with Chantilly cream inside and berries on top, berry compote on top, and it just drips through a bloody wound.

I’m pretty proud of that one, and I got a lot of great feedback. I still have my friends from that horror movie night talking about it all the time. 

Another one I’m super proud of is the paella from Broken Lizard’s Club Dread, which is an overlooked horror comedy. Basically, Coconut Pete runs this party island and he has his own special paella, Coconut Pete’s paella, which I tried to recreate with his secret ingredients and I thought it came out pretty well, so I’m pretty pleased with that one as well. 

Let me see, appetizers. One that was fun was just coming up with the popcorn for Scream. I tried a bunch of different flavors and a bunch of different ways of doing it and it’s one of the ones that I feel is a recipe, but also a hack.  An easy way to pop bagged popcorn and put flavoring on it.  

It’s a good one to show that anybody can do what’s in this book. You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to be able to create what’s in this book, recreate it. 

When the book first arrived, I was sitting in a room with teenagers and as old as people in their 70s, so it’s quite a range and we were all having fun with it.

As an author, as a creator, how does that make you feel?  Was it designed to be a communal experience?

Richard Sargent: Putting things out there always makes me nervous.  The feedback that I’ve been getting, hearing people, seeing pictures from people doing their own horror movie nights or just recreating the recipes or just on podcasts and things talking about the clever titles and all that kind of stuff it just makes me feel so good because I was worried that maybe this is just a “me” thing, like I’m just this weirdo super into horror and food.  It’s good to know that I’m not.  The whole horror community, the whole film community is into something like this.


They they can entertain, they can bring their own friends over. They can be the star of their own show. It speaks to everybody. 


Since you are the Horror Movie Night Cookbook expert, can you give us some tips and advice for our next movie night?


Richard Sargent: I’ve done horror film nights where we just all get together and we eat the food and we watch the movies. 

I’ve done one’s where we play extra games other than the drinking games. We have costume contests. It’s really how far you want to go into it. 

But I would say start early if you’re going to use some of the recipes in this book, start early because there are many things that could go wrong especially if you’re not used to cooking and there are things that could go wrong, things that could burn things that might not set the way you want them to.

Have extra ingredients on hand. 

If you don’t like a movie that the recipe is paired with, think about how that recipe could go with another more you like more?

Have fun with it and try it all.

How can we elevate the experience to a Superbowl Sunday level?

Richard Sargent: Definitely add costumes. Decorate. Fog machines are always fun. Pick the ones that pick the recipes that can make it a more social evening. Maybe ones where you add your own stuff to them. Like the one for Cujo is like a burrito bowl, essentially, so that people can add their own ingredients to it.  That gets people up and mingling and having a good time, definitely play the drinking games, but be careful because the drinks are strong.

It’s Halloween season right now.  When is the best time of year for the Horror Movie Night Cookbook?

Richard Sargent: All year. There’s no set time. Horror has so many stories to tell. A lot of them are very important that you can watch them all year round.

Get in that spirit all year round. I think that people don’t give horror the credit that it deserves. There are a lot of great films out there that even people that don’t love horror will like. Those are the ones I think we should be talking about. Horror should always be part of the conversation.

A lot of horror films are set throughout the year, so if you wanted to do a horror movie night for Valentine’s Day, you’ve got plenty to choose from, It’s not just for those of us that like to get dressed up one day a year.  It’s all year round.


As we wrap up, any final message you want foodies or movie lovers to know about you or this book?

Richard Sargent: I would just want them to know that I really did put a lot of thought and heart into everything that they see in this book. I really didn’t just say, Oh, wow, let’s come up with some gimmicky-looking cookie or something. These aren’t decorations. This is real food and real thoughtful recipes that are inspired by things that happen in the film, things that they eat, things that they do, places they go. For example, in The Descent, they are supposed to be spelunking in the Appalachian mountains. So I used a local dish from the Appalachias as that recipe. These are not just Halloween decorations. These are actual recipes that you can enjoy any time of year. But watch the movie too. So yeah, I would just want people to know that don’t expect cutesy little Pinterest ghost cookies. That’s not what you’re going to get. You’re going to get real recipes like you would in any cookbook. This just has the horror edge to it as well.

Where can we learn more about you? Tell us the website, the social media

Richard Sargent: The book can be found at any local bookstore or online Barnes Noble, Amazon

If you want to learn more about me, or just maybe get bonus recipes every now and then on my Instagram you can follow the Horror Movie Night Cookbook Instagram, or my own personal one, @rsargent83.

Tell me what you like. And if you host your own, tag me in that sort of stuff. I’d love to see how your recipes come out, what you would change. I’d love feedback. If you do try any of this, please contact me online and let me know what you liked and what you didn’t.

Popular NYC Spot Poconos Park Unleashes Scares for Halloween Weekend Oct 28-29

On Halloween weekend, just outside NYC Haunted Poconos Park unleashes fun for all ages, with a slew of events from kid-friendly trick or treating to genuine thrills, even sit down dinner and a dance party.

And you’re invited!

Poconos Park is popular for its central location in North East Pennsylvania, with easy drives from NYC, Philly and the Lehigh Valley.  

Poconos Park is a Popular NYC spot outside the city

Poconos Park Halloween

Poconos Park Halloween


This time of year the road trip is gorgeous.   But as you get closer, your view turns from romantic Autumn to haunted destination.

Pocono Park Halloween

You drive deep into the dark woods, fog creeps around your car, moonlight pierces through the trees, howling wind makes screachy scratching sounds.

Just then, you expect Leatherface to run out sparking up his chainsaw – and the party hasn’t even started yet.

A moment from Haunted Poconos Park’s Playhouse

All of the festivities take place within walking distance at the newly-acquired Poconos Park, a huge indoor / outdoor destination that hosts concerts, theater shows, corporate events, weddings and private gatherings.

This weekend it’s transformed into a Halloween Haven.

Poconos Park manages to create Halloween for everyone, from you littlest goblin who wants candy, laughs, and no scares to the group of friends who want scares and thrills.   Every Halloween and horror lover has a spot here.

Pocono Park Halloween

For Halloween, event company From The Roots has taken over and promises thrills, smiles and memories for you, your friend and your family.

John M. Oakes who runs From The Roots, loves putting on a show and delights in every twist and turn from ultra scary, to the cutest moments.

John M. Oakes, From The Roots

John M. Oakes, From The Roots

Earlier this week, we got a preview tour of the most popular attraction – Playhouse of Horror. 

It’s a fast-moving, screams around every corner, standing – crawling – jump fest.  Pro tip: Go through it next to your friend who screams the most — it’ll +10 the whole experience for ya.  The Playhouse is fun, fast-paced, well-designed and has the mark of any good maze, when it’s done you’re high-fiving your friends and wanting to get right back in line to go again.

Pocono Park Halloween

One of the many rooms from Haunted Poconos Park

But that’s not all.  Oakes has a banquet planned and an 80’s throwback Dance Party. 

Check out each event listed below


4 – 7 P.M.— (Children Ages 12 & Under):

Prior to sunset, children will be sent along a fright-free, wooded trail to gather candy treats, participate in interactive games, and meet a host of kid-friendly characters—with plenty of photo opportunity stations for parents along the way. 

Cost is $5 per child with an accompanying adult. 


6 – 10 P.M.— (Ages 13+):

Beginning at twilight, our “braver” and older guests can explore the more eerie dwellings of an authentic haunted house. Meet POCONOS PARK’s playful specters, murderous villains, and Goghoulish monsters. Take in our wonderful macabre displays and get a few jump-scares along the way. (Note: ONLY those in line before 10 P.M. will be admitted. Children aged 12 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult)  

Early Bird Cost is $19.99 plus fees, Week Of Cost is $24.99 plus fees, and Day Of Cost is $29.99 plus fees. Grab a Skip The Line admission for only $39.99.


5 – 8 P.M.—(All Ages):

Say “Bone-Appetit!” as we serve no tricks, just treats, at this otherworldly upscale dinner buffet. Enjoy delicious culinary treats and only the finest, delightful “spirits” curated especially for you by Event Hospitality Solutions. This family-friendly dinner will be served with paired wine from Blue Ridge Winery and distinguished ghostly guests. Tickets are LIMITED at $59.99 per guest (plus fees) and include “skip the line” admission to the Playhouse of Horror, access to the buffet, and one alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink per person. (Note: Additional alcoholic beverages cost extra.)

“SCREAM! AT THE LAKE” 90’s Throwback Dance Party

Friday, Oct. 28,  9 P.M. – 1.A.M. (21+):

Calling all ghosts and ghouls to scream with delight as we turn off the lights and on the 90s tunes! Join us down at the Lake House to enjoy some scary libations at the Bloody Bar and graze on some skull candy (aka yummy bar food). Dress to kill, as we’ll be giving away prizes for the most spine-chilling, the most scandalous, and the most striking costumes!  (Must show valid ID to enter) Tickets are LIMITED at $49.99 per guest (plus fees), and includes “skip the line” admission to the Playhouse of Horror.

“CURSED CAMPGROUND” Electronic Music Dance Party

Saturday, Oct. 29, 9 P.M. – 1.A.M. (21+):

After you’ve had your pants scared off inside the Playhouse of Horror,  join the crowd at the Cursed Campground at the Lake House! If you dare to venture through the cursed trails of this abandoned summer camp, you will reach the most electrifying dance party in the Poconos! 

Costumes are encouraged, as prizes will be given away for various spooky categories. (Must show valid ID to enter)

Tickets are LIMITED at $49.99 per guest and include “skip the line” admission to the Playhouse of Horror.

For tix and more info: Haunted Poconos Park

NYC’s South Street Seaport Museum Halloween Family at historic ship Wavertree Oct 29 & 30

South Street Seaport Museum announces Halloween Family Activity Weekend on Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30, 2022, 11am–5pm aboard the main deck of the historic tall ship Wavertree, docked at Pier 16 (Fulton and South Streets).
Fall means fun for the whole family at the Seaport.
Enhance your onboard experience with hands-on activities, engagement stations, and creative projects for kids of all ages that will illuminate history and life at sea.
Activities are included with free Seaport Museum admission,  register at seaportmuseum.org/gourd-scrimshaw.
Why carve a pumpkin when you could scrimshaw a gourd?
Join the South Street Seaport Museum for spooky scrimshaw!
Get into the Halloween spirit by etching your favorite seasonal design into gourds aboard Wavertree, surrounded by sailors’ spirits of yore. Guests can also participate in family activity stations throughout the campus, including a Halloween-inspired scavenger hunt.
Wavertree is designated on the National Register of Historic Places and represents the thousands of ships that docked along New York’s waterfront over the centuries. Gaze up at the towering masts and miles of rigging. Learn how people worked and lived aboard a 19th century cargo sailing vessel, from the captain to the ship’s officers, cooks, and crew. Look out across New York Harbor and see the Brooklyn Bridge and Brooklyn Heights. Or, look landward and see the skyline of the Financial District, which flourished because of ships like Wavertree, which brought in the goods that helped businesses thrive.
Wavertree is permanently moored at Pier 16 and does not sail the harbor. Access to Wavertree requires climbing a small set of ladder-type stairs and an angled gangway.

The Monster Ball: NYCs Biggest, Sexiest & Naughtiest Halloween Party 2022

NYCs Biggest, Sexiest & Naughtiest Halloween Party 2022

There are dozens of events happening in NYC over Halloween,  family friendly events, even the biggest Halloween Parade in the country. But there’s only one Monster Ball.

The Monster Ball concept and event, founded in 2012, is the largest Halloween weekend events in New York City with over 10,000 people attending each year.

In 2015, the demand for the event grew so high that a second night had to be added to satisfy our audience. In 2017, Monster Ball went a step further and added our third night.

NYCs Biggest, Sexiest & Naughtiest Halloween Party 2022 The Monster Ball



For the last 10 years The Monster Ball has Dominated and Revolutionized Halloween parties in NYC by throwing the most outrageous events!

The events have sold out every single year, and this year will be no exception! The 9th Anniversary of Monster Ball season promises to be bigger & better than ever, with more prizes, sexier & wilder acts, and a selection of the top local and international DJs!

Join the fun on Fri Oct 28th, Sat Oct 29th, Oct 31

The Grand Finale Party after The Parade on October 31st at Time Square’s Biggest Nightclub/Event Space HK Hall.

NYCs Biggest, Sexiest & Naughtiest Halloween Party 2022 The Monster Ball


Halloween Weekend 2022 in NYC is shaping up to be one of the most insane holidays of the year. Remember going door-to-door trick or treating every Halloween?

Well the impressive grown up version is clubbing for Halloween! Except the costumes are wilder & dollars are up for grabs @ HK HALL, not to mention the DJs & Entertainers this Halloween are some of the most famous performers in the Country.

You are cordially summoned to join Manhattan’s beautiful angels, demons and the lost ones

Delve into the opulent world of incomparable hedonistic revelry at its finest. Deep within the inner sanctums of Times Square’s most divine mega nightclub rises The Monsters Ball 2022 events that will surely be the talk and toast of the New York City.

NYCs Biggest, Sexiest & Naughtiest Halloween Party 2022 The Monster Ball


Lose yourself surrounded by decadent debauchery, hellfire energy, sinful escapades and naughty masquerade.

The Monsters Ball Parties are definitely going to be one of the best events going on this Halloween season in New York City!

The parties will take place at the world famous HK HALL, one of the most fashionable event spaces in Times Square NYC!

NYCs Biggest, Sexiest & Naughtiest Halloween Party 2022 The Monster Ball


The venue’s decor has been described as “high fashion,” and it even has a run way that goes down the entire room, so you’re gonna want to make sure that you come up with the best costume you can! Who knows, you may even take home a prize for best costume!

Nightlife’s foray into Halloween’s signature diabolical mischief and mayhem behind the velvet ropes is surely not for the timid or the faint at heart!

…and photographers to capture all the shameless mischief-making one weekend can handle!

Get your Monster Ball tix here


Costume Contest with Cash Prizes For Best Costume

Featuring a Guest Celebrity DJ performance

All sales are final. Tickets are non-refundable.



All the benefits of Guest Admission ticket holders plus

VIP Priority Admission on a separate VIP line

All sales are final. Tickets are non-refundable.

New York City’s Top Halloween Events in 2022 (Updated)

October is here!  Time for New York City’s Top Halloween Events in 2022

Manhattan has the honor of hosting some of the US’s biggest parties – including the Village Halloween Parade.  But we’re going big and beyond, including both the biggest parties and also great events beyond the island itself.

There’s plenty of ways to celebrate the spooky season this year in the Big Apple, from family friendly fun to adult-level screams and scares.

We’re listing them all out for you, and updating them as we discover more.

49th annual Village Halloween Parade

49th annual Village Halloween Parade

Village Halloween Parade

Get ready for the 49th annual Village Halloween Parade

Easily one of the most creative Halloween parties in NYC, and one of the world’s largest Halloween parades.

Started in 1974, the Village Halloween Parade features large puppets, dozens of marching bands, and the chance for everyone to join along and participate.

Find more information here: Village Halloween Parade

Bronx Zoo’s annual family-friendly Boo at the Zoo

Bronx Zoo’s annual family-friendly Boo at the Zoo

Boo At The Zoo

The Bronx Zoo’s annual family-friendly Halloween tradition returns in 2022.

You’re encouraged to dress in costume (heck, maybe as your favorite animal) and come to the zoo.

Fun family-friendly activities from recent years have included magic & mind reading, pumpkin carving demonstrations, a candy trail, a costume parade, Halloween crafts, an extinct animal graveyard, the Wildlife Witch’s Super Scary Halloween Show, and trick or truth.

Every Saturday and Sunday in October, including Saturday, October 29th and Sunday, October 30th. 

For more information: Boo at the Bronx Zoo

Halloween in NYC's Central Park

Halloween in NYC’s Central Park

See The Enchanting Pumpkin Flotilla at Central Park

The ever-enchanting pumpkins are a part of the historic Pumpkin Flotilla, one of many family fun activities happening around Central Park on and around Halloween weekend.

Among others (crafts, entertainment, trick-or-treat scavenger hunt) you can watch a whole flotilla of pumpkins float across the Harlem Meer at twilight. Honestly, this is pretty cool to watch at any age.

For more information:  Enchanting Pumpkin Flotilla at Central Park

Mozart for Munchkins

Mozart for Munchkins

Kids Halloween Concert

Looking for kid-friendly shows on Halloween?

Buy tix to this now and thank me later.

Mozart for Munchkins Kids Halloween Concert is fun.  This Halloween-themed event features world-class musicians playing both a classical and more modern tunes. 

And don’t worry; it’s a seriously relaxed vibe so your kids can wander, sing-a-long, even dance along to the music, 

Definitely d in the Halloween funkiness so they can enjoy the event to the fullest!

For more information: Mozart for Munchkins


NYC Monster Ball 2022

NYC Monster Ball 2022

Looking for the biggest Halloween costume party in NYC?

Big party?  Get ready for Monster Ball ‘22 – A Nightmare on 48th Street. The annual party takes place over multiple nights on Halloween weekend with over 10,000 costumed individuals all coming for one wild evening.

The definitely 21-and-over event is a fun combination of Halloween horrors and a raging party. 

For more information: Monster Ball ‘ 22


Come To Dumboween’s March To The Arch

Does Brooklyn celebrate Halloween bigger?  Come find out.  Enjoy crafts, costume contests, live music, and candy as a part of the Dumboween March to the Arch. 

This Brooklyn Halloween parade starts on Washington Street and heads through DUMBO and Brooklyn Bridge Park before ending up at the Dumbo Archway.

At the archway there’s a  Dumbo Archway Kids Party and the Neighborhood Trick or Treat where kids (and kids of all ages) can enjoy even more Halloween fun.

More information here: Click here for Dumboween


Wanna Go Pumpkin Picking At Decker Farm?

This more traditional Halloween fun takes place outside the city, so head out to Decker Farm in Historic Richmond Town, Staten Island. 

Each year during Halloween season Decker Farm offers family-friendly activities. 

On October weekends, enjoy hay rides, a corn maze, arts and crafts, face painting, and pumpkin picking. Starts October 1st and continues until October 30th, 2022. 

For more information: Pumpkin Picking at Decker Farms

Stop By (family-friendly) The Spooky Fest

This family-friendly event has varying levels of scares as visitors experience what’s lurking in the woods at the Center for Science, Teaching, and Learning’s Spooky Fest.

This event features both scary and non-scary attractions so everyone can enjoy. 

From the scarier Haunted Woods and a Maze of Horror to the safer Enchanted Forest Walk and Kids Arts and Craft Area, there’s plenty of options for everyone.

For more information: Spooky Fest


Make it a Yummy Halloween at the Museum of Ice Cream


All October-long, Museum of Ice Cream adds autumnal flavors to their menu. 

They have Pumpkin soft serve ice cream and Haunted Cotton Candy! 

With your purchased ticket to the museum, you’ll be able to eat unlimited Halloween scoops!

More information on Museum of Ice Cream


Get Your Scare On At Blood Manor

Located in Tribeca District, Blood Manor might be the scariest NYC Halloween event.  

It’s a first-class haunted house featuring 10,000 square feet of themed rooms, a labyrinth, and more in a creepy, scream-inducing atmosphere. 

Not recommended for children under 14.  It’s intense – it even has emergency exits for those who feel too scared.

For more information: Blood Manor in NYC

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